25 August, 2006

samuel jackson and a hair don't

I got free fancy hair do at the chic salon today. which would be surely reassuring to samuel jackson and his movie related email sent to me telling me to "quit messing with my hairdon't and go see Snakes On a Plane."
the salon was in a round building and is run by a gay hairdresser from the rez. his assistants are transexual or transgendered or transvestites. honestly, i can't keep up up with the vocabualry of this niche.
the king , or queen hairdresser kept telling me how beautiful i was , the process worked. it felt lovely, and i wondered if he was a shaman.
later charles told me that he too was told he was beautiful, and i came to see why one charged 80 bucks for a hair do and not a don't.
but i felt great afterwards, and wanted to have photographs taken for future book jacket. those funny author photographs you see on the back sleeve of a book.
paul austere's is my personal favorite. what a handsome writer.

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