16 September, 2007

Note to self:
Do not leave the house with a flask of whiskey.

We ended up in a mini-bus taxi cab around 4 AM last night with three other people going in different directions. It was hard to figure it out in my head, and we ended up with the entire bill. That is SO Asheville.

I am ready to drive home and stack some wood and take a mid afternoon nap.
Olivia & I made our first night out since I have been back from Arizona.
Cracker Jack played at Jack of the Wood. The guys in the band are accomplished, but I wasn't feeling it till I got tipsy and started doing the twist.

We saw Rebecca there. She is gorgeous and effervescent. Gota have more of that Becky. She,in turn,introduced me to David Conner Jones, who goes by all three names for southern reasons I reckon. He's attractive in a Colin Firth gets trapped in
the Scooby Doo van for the weekend, kind of way. Thats good.
Well, at least he isn't a myspace stranger now.
E.M. sat at our table looking forlornly drunk until he disappeared into the ethers or maybe Hot Springs. I remember seeing him like that like 8 years ago. I hope he gets himself a good career like he deserves. I'm prayin for ya

Anyway, after dancing and sneaking whiskey we headed down to Rosetta's where we ended
up hanging out with this guy, Sam. As it turns out Olivia had been frequenting the Greenlife Healthfood Store deli counter to flirt with him for the past few months. It was a fortunate smashing together of folks.

I don't mean to sound like a gossip head. But it happens sometimes,and you wanted to know.

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