25 November, 2007

The Farm Journal

Our neighbor,Ronald, called to let us know he has spotted a PANTHER on our property!!
This is a big deal, because the federales claim there aren't any big cats in these parts. It is also a big deal, because I wrote a poem last week about a panther crashing through the kitchen windowpane to rip out and devour my scratchy LP heart.
Does this mean I am going to meet a panther tonight? Is this foreshadowing? I am not frightened. He is prolly an old feline. I've been wondering where he's been since 1978.

I am really not that surprised by this news. I went to elementary school down the road at Walnut Elementary. The school mascot was a black panther.

TIger, | TIger, | BURN ing | BRIGHT
IN the | FOR ests | OF the | NIGHT


Anonymous said...

ooh Blake.

NATASHA SHEALY-natasha@thenoise.us said...

Yes. I like the cat metaphor these days (: