25 January, 2009

This morning Dad and I met with Jake Owen about building steps to the upstairs of my cabin. We decided on staggered steps so you can use your momentum to move your person up the ladder like steps. Ladders are inspirational, better than a chute right? This brings we one step closer to living in my own home. Perhaps there is a horizon?

I am thinking about words to describe Eric Legge, it is a warm up exercise I do to
get myself writing...I need to write up a story about his art show February 13Th at Zuma Coffee in Marshall. The Mad Tea party is going to play, it should be festive. Maybe there will be funny cupcakes, maybe Lois will don an outrageous gown.

Eric.. a fractal,prime number,visceral, transparent, open, yes, innocent, holy spirit,windy, gypsy,the lover,
gossamer,dandelion,magpie, internal kingdom, naive, Basquit, Blake, folk art blue.

" We cannot avoid the feeling that in relation to these works, cultural art in its entirety appears to be the game of a futile society, a fallacious parade." - Jean Dubuffet.

Visual Thesaurus


Anonymous said...

untangible,folksy, whimsical

Anonymous said...

You need a slide too.

Anonymous said...

I do need a slide can I slide into your hideout? vacation