23 November, 2010

The snow from Flagstaff hits fast.

We went up to Mingus Mountain above Jerome to cut wood and discovered snow fall. By the next morning all the handiwork we did building up stepping stones across the creek was washed away by the snow up north. So strange it doesn't snow until January back home, first snow of the season I reckon comes to me via the desert.

Eliphante stuff seems all meetings and not much elbow grease lately, so I can't really relate. I am not in the formal community, so I try to give them space to figure out their plans on their own.
Merkin vineyards is meeting with some folks from eliphante soon.
I guess Maynard doesn't like people and wants to keep the meeting down to a three people. It could be exciting to have the land leased or put into a trust. Let us see.
I want to start up the Badass School for Girls soon- I need my North star, a job.

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