01 December, 2010

Dame Darcy revisited

I am working on a shiitake log site and love the work of Dame Darcy. Inspirational but a little too kooky for La Log lady?


Unknown said...

nah no way, perfect for la log, you never cease to amaze me with yer coolness, i love dame darcy since i was a wee girlie.....perfec6t spookey mushroomey.....we met so briefly as i stalked yo yome, i just got back to the world of internet access and had to see what the amazing miss shealy was creatin...........alls well with the world infinite cooleness abounds..how's the sis? Moi and the wee snake handler been back in florida for a while... used wee twice here....oui oui ooooh lala....buckets of hearts n love, maggie

NATASHA SHEALY-natasha@thenoise.us said...

cool maggie, good you are safe n sound. sis mended her leg and is back on da farm. love