25 May, 2011

A Unique Community Supported Agriculture Project begins JUNE!

We are offering a unique CSA (Community Supported Agriculture program) for the Verde Valley!

The CSA service offers weekly deliveries of organically-grown produce from Crooked Sky Farms in Phoenix, along with local farms in Cottonwood and Camp Verde. In addition to fresh, organic produce we offer value added products every other week and farm fresh eggs and meat when available. (We also offer canning & preservation classes at a fair cost.)

Traditionally CSA’s require a seasonal pre pay. We realize it can be a challenge to pay for a whole season up front, so we are offering a six week at a time program! It is requested that people make the purchase for the amount of six weeks in advance at the rate of $150. ( A few half scholarships available through work exchange at Bridgeport garden.)

Thank you for supporting Community Supported Agriculture in the green valley we call home! Remember, you vote with what you consume.


I accept paypal & CASH!

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