05 March, 2007

i sat back in the reclining chair while my hygenist looked into my open mouth. " Yep, only two more years to go till i am out of here....you are single you should travel while you can...I wear a different set of tropical print scrubs a day to remind me of whats out there." she began to describe the islands around New Zealand where the king & queen commute via bicycle.
I closed my mouth and let the sucking machine suck the spit out of my mouth. Annie Lennox was asking "Why" on the radio, and I noticed that the back door of the office was open to let fresh March air in. Today was warm for Flagstaff.

Then I blurted out that I wanted to go to Africa like it was some sort of confession.
That the continent had hung over my head like a zepplin for two decades.

"Oh it's boring there." She began to describe these little putsy flies that like to burrow in the hem of your clothes and then into your skin to lay their eggs. She went on to say that after that she had to throw out all of her bras and underwear as too not let these demons under her skin.

But for some reason it was okay. Kathlene the hygenist reminded me to keep an optimistic outlook, and wasn't shy to mention I had great teeth. As i got up out of the chair she handed me some dental floss and told me to put it next to some where habitual.

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