25 May, 2007

As I walk through the halls of Flagstaff High school, I recall my painful senior year at Mingus Union High. It had been a rough past few months, but I was due to graduate.
I find it sad that I didn't get a prom dress nor a yearbook. I learned to disvalue
school, and didn't bother to attend my graduation. What started as a financial strain became a lack of esteem. I learned that landmarks and success did not matter.

The reality of the matter was that all of my mothers money went to her mortgage.
I learned to loathe the house that came before prom dresses. This is where my connection to Molly Ringwald in Pretty in Pink comes from.
As I walk the halls of the high school today, I can look back and tell the circa 1989 Natasha that it will all be okay. That there is a celebration.


Anonymous said...

circa 1989 me? Id tell him to wake up nature boy, live your truth... ahh, time.
Enjoy the verde valley, natasha, it is a very special place. :)

NATASHA SHEALY-natasha@thenoise.us said...

what would living your truth be nature boy?