18 February, 2008

The Farm Journal

Ben Walters and I ( I really just sat there) presented a blogging workshop to the community on Saturday. The turn out was surprising to me. Betty Hurst came in representation of Handmade in America, and I was thrilled to see Rob Amberg there in his immense support of the younger generation (4th tier).
There was a good group of community minded business owners in attnedance.

I would like to see the blog presentation and class be honed towards craftspeople, and creative capitol types who thrive with a tactile, hands on approach.

Its good to be helping folks learn the tools to help their business grow, but I can not help but ask myself to at what cost does progress come?
This reminds me of Rob Amberg's notes on his current series of work titles Today's Mountaineers, and share with him and many others the concern over the changes taking place to rural land.
It reminds me of something a local once said about community. They said that
it didn't really matter what tides and trends hit, because their community would be there with what it was they needed.
I find comfort in this, but it takes a commitment on our part. To commit to keep our land despite the shiny penny might bring. This means looking at living in a creative way. Non traditional family environments perhaps, caretaking your elders at home maybe? Inviting people to join you..me..

There are $50 studios for rent on Mainstreet Marshall. WOW!


Anonymous said...

Hello Natasha,

Hope you are doing well.

Anonymous said...

gotta have faith!