11 November, 2010

Life continues, even where it doesn't rain

Eliphante people picked me up at 6 am to head up to the painted desert area to visit a goat herding legend by the name of June. John had introduced us years before, and Olivia and I had come to visit years later on the way to Santo Nino. I sat with her by the fire for hours listening to her life unfold while John chopped wood and Ryan and Tracy explored the high country. It was perfect. A seamless transition from the south to the southwest. It feels that way somedays. it makes the hard days worthwhile. I thought I had made a horrible mistake on Monday when I didn't catch my flight home. It seemed like the demons had been let loose in my heart. The moment passed, though now i know i need to make a small room out of lime plaster to stay in at Eliphante while I look for some work to secure some savings. Does anyone need a some odd jobs done? 

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