28 April, 2011

Chicky time of year

This time of year the folks go wild for baby chicks buying them up like disposable PEZ heads n such.
 Check out Ashley English's fancy book on raising chickens. it's a yuppie style publication with hen houses fancier than most I see, but I am featured in KEEPING CHICKENS, published by ole Lark Books  located Asheville, NC

Keeping Chickens by Ashley English

On a domestic note I would like to launch Natasha Shealy's Badass School for Girls & Some Boys
for another season!
This year we will once again cover food preservation with a focus on adding local flavors of the south
west. I will introduce basic sewing skills, orno oven building with the help of a cob builder, outdoor cooking, gardening and daily swimming and nature walks.
The daytime activities are for girls & boys aged 5-12
With evening classes for older gals up too age 105. ( I hope to hold these in a commercial kitchen)
Call me for details- 828-337-6613


Unknown said...

Thanks - I just bought both of Ashley's books on chickens and bees!!

NATASHA SHEALY-natasha@thenoise.us said...

Liv! So glad you did, check out my little sidebar(: